What it is: Co-washing, short for “conditioner washing,” refers to the process of using conditioner instead of shampoo to cleanse your hair.
The benefits: Co-washing is an easy way to rejuvenate hair and give it a little TLC without going through your full wash-day routine or enduring the stripping/drying effects of shampoo. So while shampoo is what really cleans your hair and eliminates product build up, co-washing, on the other hand, typically results in hair that’s honestly a little less clean, but is more moisturized, easier to detangle, and frizz-free.
Why your stylist may side-eye your co-washing habits: Some co-wash enthusiasts are going too long without shampoo. The top priority of any stylist is healthy hair, and you can’t have healthy hair without a healthy, clean scalp. Conditioner washing once a week and shampooing once a week is a good rhythm but how often you should co-wash or shampoo will depend on your lifestyle and the condition of your hair. Check with a stylist to develop a regimen that’s best for you.
Who needs it: Coarse, thick, dry, kinky, and curly hair types benefit most from conditioner washing since they typically have a hard time retaining moisture. If your hair is fine, watch out—you may find that conditioner washing weighs your hair down, leaving it looking flat.
Brands to consider: Any conditioner you own can be used as a co-wash! But now brands are formulating products specifically for this trend. A few we love: Oyin Ginger-Mint Co-wash, As I Am Coconut Co-Wash, Briogeo Avocado + Quinoa Co-wash, and Camille Rose Caramel Co-wash.